Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sandy the Herricane [sic] is coming.

From the Ridgefield Press 10/27/12 

"Saturday, noon —  Hurricane Sandy’s predicted path was shifted south late Saturday morning — but Connecticut is still in its sights. [...]

While the storm may officially hit land south of Connecticut, the northern part of the hurricane, which is typically the most destructive part of a hurricane or tropical storm, is set up now to hit southwest Connecticut."

OMG, That's us!!

1 comment:

  1. Like the rest of Ridgefield, CT, we lost power, water, heat for 6-7 days. 100% of the town was down; we were luckier than some who didn't get back to normal for 10-12 days. At one time 80 roads were impassible. 60 poles were down. It was the 3rd disaster of this kind to hit Ridgefield in 2 years. And we don't' even have a beach to look at.
