Wednesday, September 05, 2012

15,000 news locusts

I've always wondered what would have happened if 15,000 journalists focused their attention on a real story of import; how history might have been changed. 

From Morning Media Newsfeed:
"At the 2012 Conventions, 15,000 Journalists Search for a Story (HuffPost / The Backstory) Scoops and valuable, legitimate nuggets of insight and information are hard to come by in Conventionland, yet reporters who swarmed the halls en masse in Tampa are all at it again in Charlotte, where the Democrats kicked off their election kabuki Tuesday [...] "


  1. I think the powers that be have already decided the election out come ... with exception of a wildcard. Follow the money ... when funding shifts to State and local elections for Congress the jig is up. If the Senate seat in a State like CT is in play BHO has likely lost regardless of BS poll numbers ... and the meaningless debates.

    Follow the money ....

  2. Gee, although I take your point, it seems to me that your view doesn't give your fellow citizens much credit. I'm hopeful the 2% who (unfortunately) seem to decide the elections are holding out for the debates & for any information that results as a consequence. We shall see.
