Sunday, August 18, 2024


In a rare moment, Fox News’ Bret Baier just praised President Biden & Vice President Harris for their historic work negotiating cheaper pharmaceutical costs for the American people.

In a stunning admission, one of the most conservative Senators, James Lankford, admits that it was Donald Trump who sabotaged the toughest border security legislation proposed in decades. 

"Lord above. He’s dumb." Claire McCaskill 

#newsjunkie #news #NewsAlert #NewsRoundup #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy #VoteBlue2024 

Monday, July 08, 2024

Go Mika!!


President Biden’s debate performance was simply disastrous. But who was watching? ~ 50 million people tuned in. But who were these people?

The Maga crowd couldn’t have cared less. They know, no matter the facts, statistics, realities or scientific evidence, the con artist is their man. He is their Messiah. When he refers to ‘losers and fools’ – comments he directed at our military heroes – the backbone of the Maga crowd doesn’t realize that their Messiah-con-artist-would-be king-thug already thinks of them that way because they really are the suckers and fools. 

The hard core Democrats know who they are going to vote for so what’s a admittedly disastrous debate performance going to do to their support for Biden? The reality is that it hasn't changed much for the simple reason that Biden is a decent man of faith and principle who has been an outstanding president, by any measure, and is the only person who’s beaten Trump. 

Then there’s the third audience; the disillusioned Republicans & Independents who are the swing voters. And what did they think? To illustrate the point I’m trying to make is that there has been only a two point change in the polls.

Not to state the obvious, but a political campaign has at least two viable combatants. Meanwhile, journalists covering the campaign of 2024, are only following the aging Greyhound rabbit around and around the track without covering the other combatant – meaning the convicted felon, Donald Trump & his hallucinations on the stump when he’s not reading from prompter (and sometimes when he is), framed by his pathological behavior melded to his autocratic wet dream, nor is there any evidence that anyone has even considered a Plan ‘B’ to defeat his ambitions and our demise.

If (and I repeat, IF) there is a Plan ‘B’ we need to hear about it now! Otherwise the greatest failure will not be Joe Biden’s disastrous debate and his failure to step aside, but it will be the mainstream media who are empowered to inform and educate us about our options, and failed to do so again. That's the real 'covfefe'.

Saturday, July 06, 2024


I am really sick & tired of these one way reports about Biden's brain waves. It's a constant drumbeat. There are other sides to this conversation about Biden's abilities that are not being discussed nor reported in context.

Listen to Trump's meaningless confused mental meanderings when he's not on prompter and try to find ANY truth in anything he sez when he IS on prompter. BESIDES he is a fucking felon. I mean, really! Can you say the same for Biden? No!

If I was still working at CBS News or ABC News, I'd be screaming my head off about the lousy, lopsided coverage. There is absolutely NO perspective in most of the reportage. 

The MSM spent the 2016 campaign discussing//opining about tweeted words like "confefe". It took 3yrs before Trump was called out for what he was/is: a sociopathic liar. Jesus Christ! 

Act like real journalists, not wildebeest who follow the leading animal over the cliff because they can't think for themselves. 

Shame on you! "The medium is the message" Of all modern day elections, 2024 is PIVOTAL to our future. Please don't fuck it up.   

Saturday, March 02, 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

2024 or 1984?

It has come to this: Escambia County, Florida, schools have banned the dictionary.

Five dictionaries are on the district’s list of more than 1,600 books banned pending investigation in December 2023, along with eight different encyclopedias, The Guinness Book of World Records, and Ripley’s Believe it or Not – all due to fears they violate the state’s new laws banning materials with “sexual conduct” from schools.

Biographies of Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, Nicki Minaj, and Thurgood Marshall are on the list, alongside The Autobiography of Malcolm X and Black Panther comics by Ta-Nehisi Coates. The Feminism Book was banned along with The Teen Vogue Handbook: An Insider’s Guide to Careers in Fashion.

The list obtained by the Florida Freedom to Read Project also includes Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl, The Adventures and the Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile. The Princess Diaries and 14 other books by Meg Cabot have been taken from libraries, alongside books by David Baldacci, Lee Child, Michael Crichton, Carl Hiaasen, Jonathan Franzen, John Green, John Grisham, Stephen King (23 of them), Dean Koontz, Cormac McCarthy, Celeste Ng, James Patterson, Jodi Picoult, and Nicholas Sparks. Conservative pundit Bill O’Reilly’s two books, Killing Jesus and Killing Reagan, were also banned pending investigation.

For a complete list, click here.