Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thanks to all my FaceBook friends

OMG. So many of you came out of the woodwork of my life last week to wish me a happy birthday. I was (1) touched & flabbergasted & (2) sick w a bad chest cold, exacerbated by asthma so I didn't enjoy the day much, nor the following 5 days.

But I hijacked some of your wonderful karma & applied it to my  chest & am crediting that with getting me out of bed & out of the house about a week earlier than similar events normally take from my life. 

So I thank all of you for your good wishes AND MY GOOD HEALTH. This is my first day back to eating & breathing somewhat normally. And with everything going on, I forgot that I got a year older.

When we returned from our wonderful time in Costa Rica, we found we needed a new car (Carol), a new clothes washer (Carol), an extensive & expensive veterinary visit ( & I got a cold so you can see the balance of power in our household. Truman is fine, BTW.

The euphoria of Costa Rica was balanced out by the realities of Ridgefield life which is not an all together bad thing.

Although our driveway is literally still a sheet of ice, I think Our Zhivago days of icy waterfalls connecting the roof to the terrace are on the wane, the lesser icicles have all but disappeared & the leaks are drying up. The new car & clothes washer are working great. Truman is sleeping on his new fleece bed. Stella needs another haircut & I need to trim my beard. Carol is fabulous.
So thanks so much to all of you for taking the few seconds to wish me a happy birthday. It's birthdays & revolutions that make Facebook so outstanding.

February 16, 2011


  1. Glad to hear that you are on the mend...L

  2. Glad to know that you are feeling better and balanced again. I, too, had what felt like the flu for almost 4 weeks. It traveled from my throat to my nose to my head to my chest. I'd wake up in the morning feeling okay and by the afternoon I was wiped out. Finally, it's gone.....but last week Joel started wheezing and was diagnosed with a severe lung infection. Antibiotic (not one of my favorite meds) took care of it. Personally, I think it's all a terrorist conspiracy!
